Psoriasis and Hair Loss

Psoriasis is a medical condition that causes thick white or silvery patches on your skin and can appear on many parts of the body, including your scalp. The itching from this condition can cause a lot of discomfort and lead you to scratch your scalp frequently. But could too much scratching result in hair loss? Keep reading to find out the connection between psoriasis and hair loss.

Can Psoriasis Cause Hair Loss?

If you have scalp psoriasis, you could experience hair loss if you scratch your scalp too often. All of the scratching can put extra stress on your hair follicles and cause them to fall out. The stress that comes with the condition may also lead to hair loss. The good news is that the hair loss is usually temporary. Once you find an effective treatment for the condition and stop scratching your hair should grow back.

How Can You Prevent Scalp Itching?

When you have psoriasis on your scalp, the itching can be unbearable, so of course you’re tempted to scratch. However, there are better ways to relieve the itching, such as:

  • Use Conditioner: If you don’t already condition your hair after shampooing, it’s time to start. Conditioner will help moisturize your scalp, helping it feel less dry and itchy.
  • Limit Use of Heat Styling Tools: While blow-dryers, curling irons and other heat styling tools can make your hair look great,they aren’t so great for your scalp. The heat from these tools can dry your scalp out even more, resulting in more itching. 
  • Avoid Using Medicated Shampoo Daily: If you use a medicated shampoo every day, it can make the dryness on your scalp even worse. To avoid this, try using the medicated shampoo one day and then a non-medicated one the next day.
  • Apply a Wet Towel Against Your Scalp: When your scalp is feeling very irritated and itchy, try pressing a towel against it for several minutes. This can help relieve some of the itching.

What Treatments Are Available?

Luckily, there are several ways to treat scalp psoriasis. Your doctor can help determine the best treatment for your particular case. Topical treatments are one of the most common ways to treat psoriasis. These may include creams, oils, sprays or foams and are applied directly to your scalp.

Psoriasis can also be treated with prescription medications, light treatments and laser treatments.

In addition to the treatments, you can make several lifestyle changes to reduce the severity of your psoriasis. Limiting your alcohol consumption, reducing your stress and being careful in extreme weather conditions can help your condition.

If you still have hair loss even after treating your psoriasis, consider talking to an experienced hair transplant surgeon. During a hair transplant procedure, hair is taken from a donor area and implanted into the bald patches on your scalp.


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