Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can become specialized cells and can replicate rapidly. For example, a stem cell injected into your body could become cartilage, bone, collagen, or some other tissue. There are two major classes of stem cells — embryonic stem cells, and adult stem cells. Adult stem cells exist throughout the body and are found inside of different types of tissue. For example, adult stem cells have been found in the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, adipose tissue, skeletal muscles, skin, and the liver. 

Stem cells play a huge part in the body’s healing process. Stem cell therapies that introduce new stem cells to a particular site (e.g., injecting your own stem cells into your knee to help regrow cartilage) and show tremendous promise for the future of healthcare. Stem cell therapy has great potential because your stem cells can be given to diseased or damaged tissue in your body. Adult stem cells are found in small numbers in most of your tissue, such as your bone marrow or fat.

What Stem Cell Therapy Can Help

Research continues to develop various sources for stem cell therapy to allow stem cell treatment for neurodegenerative diseases and conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. Adult autologous stem cells can aid in degenerative diseases, such as joint disease and arthritis. The procedure’s main purpose is to replenish your body’s supply of healthy regenerating cells.

A plentiful supply of adult stem cells for personal use can be collected from a person — and then stored — making them available, should the person develop any maladies later on. We use stem cells both via injection and intravenously. Injections help directly target an area, such as a joint on your shoulder or ligament in your knee. 

The Procedure

Intravenous stem cell therapy might be new to the United States, but this treatment has been in use for over a decade. Thanks to the “Right To Try” bill, patients now have access to these treatments in America. This treatment involves using embryonic stem cells that are grown from cells found in an embryo. These stem cells are harvested from umbilical cord banks that have received donated umbilical cords. These stem cells are then frozen for patients and administered intravenously. The procedure itself is virtually painless, and other than the actual injection site of the IV, there is no pain. The treatment can be done in a little under an hour, as it is similar to receiving any IV bag. This can be an effective treatment for any inflammation-based disease. 

To learn more about stem cells and the various treatments that can be offered, contact a qualified stem cell therapy doctor, like a stem cell therapy doctor in Hollywood, CA, today. 

Thanks to MetroMD for their insight into stem cell therapy.