Neck, back, and shoulder pain frequently leads to a night of poor quality sleep. Unfortunately, inadequate sleep only contributes to more pain, as the body has insufficient time to rest and regenerate. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. A consistent effort to reduce and manage pain can help you get the rest you so desperately need. You’ll want to include regular check-ups with your chiropractor, like a chiropractor in Laurel, MD, as chiropractic treatments can reduce sources of pain in your spine and musculoskeletal system.
Pain and Sleep
It’s not hard to see how pain can interfere with sleep, but a lack of sleep can also exacerbate pain. Sleep deprivation can occur any time you get less than seven hours of sleep. The less rest you get, the more pronounced your symptoms can become.
Studies have been conducted on pain tolerance in relation to sleep. Some of these have shown that pain tolerance can increase significantly when you get at least eight hours of sleep. It’s ironic that the very thing you need to ease the pain—good quality sleep—can also be continuously interrupted by said pain. Thus, bringing down nighttime pain levels might offer a better chance you’ll get the sleep you need.
Managing Pain
Managing pain before going to bed is a good way to get a better night’s sleep. Find what works best for you and use those techniques consistently to keep pain under long-term control. You can take natural anti-inflammatory botanicals or take a warm, relaxing soak in the tub before bed. You may also want to apply cold packs or heat to the painful areas to reduce ache and discomfort.
Improving Your Sleep Hygiene
As you’re working to improve pain management, pay attention to how you can boost your sleep hygiene as well. This may include creating more ideal bedroom conditions, which goes beyond a comfortable pillow and mattress. The bedroom should be very dark with minimal to no natural or artificial light. Blackout shades or a sleep mask work well for achieving this. Sleep quality also improves as body temperature drops, so keep your room cool—somewhere between 60 to 68 degrees. It is also important to sleep in a quiet environment. If you can’t silence the external sounds, invest in a white noise machine to drown them out. Lastly, eliminate blue light exposure from phones screens and computers at least an hour before bed. If this is not possible, be sure to use apps or settings that provide a “night mode” to cut down blue light stimulation on the brain.
Maintaining Consistency Helps The Brain
A regular bedtime and consistent nighttime routine can help your brain’s natural circadian rhythm acclimate to creating a new sleep cycle. Be sure to include effective pain management techniques in your bedtime routine. Also, make sure to perform each activity at the same time and in the same order.
At AmeriWell Clinics, we want to help you be free of pain so it doesn’t control your life. Regular pain management through chiropractic care may help you get the good quality sleep your body needs. Call us to schedule a consultation today.
Thanks to AmeriWell Clinics for their insight on getting good quality sleep with chronic pain.